2000-2004 曲阜师范大学 理学学士
2004-2007 中国科学技术大学 理学硕士
2007-2011 山东省海洋资源与环境研究院 助理研究员
2011-2014 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所 理学博士
2014-2019 曲阜师范大学 讲师
2019- 至今 曲阜师范大学 副教授
Email: sjzhang156@163.com
主要从事色谱-质谱分析、质谱增敏标记探针、多孔吸附材料的制备和食品安全研究,Food Chemistry、 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry、Journal of Chromatography 等期刊审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金1项,主持山东省自然科学基金2项,经费充足。近年来共发表第一作者和通讯作者SCI论文30余篇(一区和二区>20篇)。
(1) Shijuan Zhang; Xueting Wang; Kaiyue Zhang; Keyu Lin; Wenjie Lu; Keke Lu; Yanxin Li ;Target and Semitarget Analysis of Advanced Glycation End Products Using a New Pair of Permanently Positively Charged Stable Isotope Labeling Agents, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Top期刊), 2024, 72: 4426-4432
(2)Rui Chang, Xueting Wang, Yanxin Li, Shijuan Zhang; Pyridinium and ammonium stable isotope labeling agents and their performance in the analysis of alkylamines in food and food packaging materials, Food Chemistry (Top期刊), 2023, 408, 35240.
(3) Zhang, Shijuan; Wu, Xia; Ma, Chong; Li Yanxin; You, Jinmao; Cationic Surfactant Modified 3D COF and Its Application in the Adsorption of UV Filters and Alkylphenols from Food Packaging Material Migrants, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Top期刊), 2020, 68:3663-3669.
(4) Zhang, Shijuan; Xu, Ting; Liu, Qian; Liu, Jiammin; Lu, Fengli; Yue, Mingbo; Li, Yanxin; Sun, Zhiwei;You, Jinmao; Cationic gemini surfactant-resorcinol-aldehyde resin and its application in the extraction of endocrine disrupting compounds from food contacting materials, Food Chemistry (Top期刊), 2019, 277:407-413.
(5) Ma, Chong; Zhang, Shijuan; Wu, Xia; You, Jinmao; Permanently Positively Charged Stable Isotope Labeling Agents and Its Application in the Accurate Quantitation of Alkylphenols Migrated from Plastics to Edible Oils, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Top期刊), 2020, 68(33):9024-9031.
(6) Zhang, Shijuan; Wu, Ting; Liu, Hongzhan; Li, Yanxin; You, Jinmao; New Stable Isotope Labeling Strategy in Quaternary Ammonium-Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles for the Analysis of Perfluorocarboxylic Acid in Cod Liver Oil, Food Analytical Methods, 2019, 12(8):1771-1780.
(7) Liu, Jiamin; Ma, Xiaoyun; Zhang, Shijuan; Wu, Ting; Liu, Hongzhan; Xia, Mingyue; You, Jinmao; Cationic gemini surfactant templated magnetic cubic mesoporous silica and its application in the magnetic dispersive solid phase extraction of endocrine-disrupting compounds from the migrants of food contact materials, Microchemical Journal, 2019, 145:606-613.
(8) Li, Yanxin; Ma, Chong; You, Jinmao; Zhang, Shijuan, Stable isotope labeling method with sensitive identification and accurate quantitation function for aldehydes in fried foods. Microchemical Journal 2022, 176, 107238.
(9) Chang, Rui; Ma, Chong; Yu, Chao; Zhang, Qiang; Li, Yanxin; You, Jinmao; Zhang, Shijuan, Analysis of estrogens in milk samples using ionic liquid-modified covalent organic framework and stable isotope labeling technique. European Food Research and Technology 2021, 247 (11), 2729-2738.
(10) Liu, Juping; Zhang, Huawei; Zhang, Shijuan; Wang, Wenwen; You, Jinmao; A new 3D COF with excellent fluorescence response for water and good adsorption performance for polychlorinated biphenyls, Microchemical Journal, 2020, 157:104912.
(11) Bai, Ling; Liu, Jiamin; Liu, Qian; Xu, Ting; Liu, Hongzhan; Wu, Ting; Zhang, Shijuan; Li, Yanxin; You, Jinmao; Surfactant-induced magnetic cationic phenolic resin and its application in the enrichment of the migrants from food contacting materials, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2018, 41(19-20):1039-1046.
(12) Li, Yanxin; Liu, Hongzhan; Wu, Xia; Wu, Ting; Qiu, Chunpeng; Zhang, Shijuan; Liu, Huihui; Positively charged covalent organic framework and its application in the dispersive solid-phase extraction of ultraviolet-filters from food packaging material migrants, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2020, 43(5-6):156-163.
(13)Shijuan Zhang*,Fengli Lu, Xiaoyun M, Mingbo Yue, Yanxin Li, Jiammin Liu, Jinmao You*,Quaternary ammonium-functionalized MCM-48 mesoporous silica as a sorbent for the dispersive solid-phase extraction of endocrinedisrupting compounds in water,Journal of Chromatography A, 2018, 1557: 1~8.
(14)Shijuan Zhang, Qiuhui Yu, Cuncun Sheng, Jinmao You, Gas PurgeMicroextraction Coupled with Stable Isotope Labeling-Liquid Chromatography/MassSpectrometry for the Analysis of Bromophenols in Aquatic Products, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry(Top期刊), 2016, 64(49): 9452~9458.
(15)Shijuan Zhang; Zhongyin Ji; Zhiwei Sun; Mingshuang Li; Cuncun Sheng; Mingbo Yue; Yanxin Yu; Guang Chen; Jinmao You, Stable isotope labeling assisted liquidchromatography–tandem mass spectrometry for the analysis of perfluorinated carboxylic acids in serum samples, Talanta, 2017, 1, 166: 255~261.
(16)Shijuan Zhang,Yanxin Li, Jinmao You, Hua Wang, Yan Zheng, Yourui Suo. Improved Method for the Extraction and Determination of Bromophenols in Seafoods by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Top期刊)2012, 60, 10985-10990.
(17)Shijuan Zhang, Jinmao You, Shujing Ning, Cuihua Song, You-Rui Suo. Analysis of estrogenic compounds in environmental and biological samples by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry with stable isotope-coded ionization-enhancing reagent.Journal of Chromatography A 2013, 1280: 84-91.
(18)Shijuan Zhang, Chunli Li, Guoying Zhou, Guodong Che, Jinmao You, Yourui Suo. Determination of the carbohydrates from Notopterygium forbesii Boiss by HPLC with fluorescence detection.Carbohydrate Polymers 2013, 97, 794-799.
(19)Shijuan Zhang, Jinmao You, Guoying Zhou, Chunli Li, Yourui Suo. Analysis of free fatty acids in Notopterygium forbesii Boiss by a novel HPLC method with fluorescence detection.Talanta2012, 98, 95-100.
(20)Shijuan Zhang, Yuanpeng Sun, Zhiwei Sun, Xiaoyan Wang, Jinmao You, Yourui Suo. Determination of triterpenic acids in fruits by a novel high performance liquid chromatography method with high sensitivity and specificity.Food chemistry(Top期刊)2014, 146: 264-269.
(21)Shijuan Zhang, Zhaoqiang Yu, Na Hu, Yuanpeng Sun, Yourui Suo, Jinmao You. Sensitive determination of melamine leached from tableware by reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography using 10-methyl-acridone-2-sulfonyl chloride as a pre-column fluorescent labeling reagent.Food control2013, 39, 25-29 .
(22)Shijuan Zhang, Jinmao You, Zhiwei Sun, Cuihua Song, Shujing Ning, Changsheng Zhao, Yourui Suo. A sensitive method for extraction and determination of endocrine-disrupting compounds from wastewater using 10-ethyl-acridone-2-sulfonyl chloride as pre-column labeling reagent by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection.Microchemical Journal2012, 103, 90-96.
(23)Shijuan Zhang,Cuihua Song, Guang Chen, Lian Xia, Xiaoyan Wang, Jinmao You. A sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography method with fluorescence detection for the determination of fatty acids as exemplified for Dendrobium species. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology. 2013, 115, 1155-1163.