沈静林,女,副教授,理学博士,硕士生导师(物理化学、化学工程专业)。主要研究方向是基于聚集诱导发光(AIE)和超分子自组装策略构筑的金属纳米团簇有序发光聚集体;发光材料在物质传感中的应用研究;手性凝胶材料的制备。近年来以第一作者或通讯作者在ACS Nano, Chem. Commun., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Adv. Opt. Mater.,等期刊发表论文20余篇,H-因子23。
联系方式: jinglinshen@163.com
实验室: 化学与化工学院414、407室
2020.12 – 至今 曲阜师范大学化学与化工学院,副教授
2018.09 – 2020.12:曲阜师范大学化学与化工学院,讲师
2013.09 – 2018.06:山东大学,博士(物理化学),导师:苑世领教授、辛霞副教授
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:含金纳米簇手性有序聚集体的构筑及性能研究22002069,主持;
2. 山东省自然科学基金青年项目:两亲性金纳米簇的组装及其在可视化药物递送中的应用研究ZR2020QB062,主持;
3. 曲阜师范大学科研启动基金,主持
20. Mengqi Yang, Yuchen Sun, Xiaonan Wang, Jia Wang, Yongwei Liu, Ailing Zhang, Jinglin Shen*, Wei Qi*. Fabrication of Light-Harvesting Au Nanoclusters System via Sequential Energy Transfer and the Usage as “On/Off” Switchable Logic Gates. Adv. Opt. Mater. 2025, accepted.
19. Fengjie Zhou, Jing Fu, Mengqi Yang, Jinglin Shen*, and Wei Qi*. Fabrication of Color-Tunable Gold Nanoclusters and Their Application for Information Encryption. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2024, 7, 23270−23277
18. Fengjie Zhou, Jing Fu, Ensheng Zhang, Jinglin Shen*, Wei Qi*. Dual-emissive gold nanocluster / polylysine complex for ratio and visual luminescent detection. Microchem. J. 2024, 205, 111198.
17. Jinglin Shen, Fengjie Zhou, You Yu, Ensheng Zhang, Wei Qi,* Yongjie Zhang*. Gold Nanoclusters Whose Photoluminescent Properties are Dynamically Tunable by Modulating the Assembly Pathway Complexity. Chem. Eur. J. 2024, 30, e202401909.
16. Yongjie Zhang, Luyao Feng, Jingyan Luan, Guomei Zhang, Ning Sheng, Jinglin Shen*. A cooperative effect of copper-induction and AIE leading to bright luminescence of gold nanoclusters. Inorg. Chem. Front. 2024, 11, 237.
15. Jing Fu, Yujin Miao, Di Zhang, Yongjie Zhang, Luyao Meng, Xinrui Ni, Jinglin Shen,* Wei Qi*. Polymer-Enabled Assembly of Au Nanoclusters with Luminescence Enhancement and Macroscopic Chirality. Langmuir 2023, 39, 13316-13324
14. Jing Fu, Junxiao Liu, Yanyu Li, Chen Wang, Jinglin Shen*, Wei Qi*. Gold nanoclusters with enhanced near-infrared emission and its application as sensors for biological molecules. Analytica Chimica Acta 2023, 1258, 341172.
13. Yongjie Zhang, Yu Ming Sun, Gonghui Li, Meiyan Du, Ning Sheng and Jinglin Shen*. Fluorescent hydrogels with emission enhancement and CPL-activity depending on gelation states. J. Mater. Chem. C 2023,11, 3292.
12. Chen Wang, Yanyu Li, Xinmeng Liu, Jing Fu, Jinglin Shen*, Wei Qi*. Luminescence enhancement of gold nanoclusters hydrogel through co-assembly strategy and its application for detection. J. Mol. Liq. 2023, 380, 121718.
11. You Yu,# Xianghui Zhang,# Minggan Wang, Jingyan Luan, Xinmeng Liu, Jinglin Shen,* and Wei Qi*. Au Nanocluster-Based Smart Multicolor Luminescent Hydrogels for Encryption Applications. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2022 5 (7), 10047-10054.
10. Chen Wang, Luyao Feng, Junxiao Liu, Jing Fu, Jinglin Shen,* Wei Qi.* Manipulating the Assembly of Au Nanoclusters for Luminescence Enhancement and Circularly Polarized Luminescence. Nanomaterials 2022, 12(9), 1453.
9. Jinglin Shen, Di Sun, Shiling Yuan, Xia Xin*, Chapter 13, page 385-407: Self-assembly of Metal Nanoclusters in Colloid Science, Book: Luminescent Metal Nanoclusters: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications, Edited by Sabu Thomas, Kuruvilla Joseph, Saritha Appukuttan and Meegle S. Mathew, ISBN 978-0-323-88657-4, 704 pages, Publisher: Elsevier Ltd. Jul 1,2022.
8. Jinglin Shen, Jing Fu, Junxiao Liu, Qi Liu, Jin Feng, Yongjie Zhang,* and Wei Qi*. Luminescence Enhancement of a Gold Nanocluster Hydrogel Facilitated by Water for Erasable Water Writing and Visual Solvent Differentiation. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2022 10 (34), 11406-11414.
7. Yafang Hou, Yuqing Wang, Tianyang Xu, Zhi Wang, Weidong Tian, Di Sun,* Xinyue Yu, Pengyao Xing,* Jinglin Shen, Xia Xin,* and Jingcheng Hao, Synergistic Multiple Bonds Induced Dynamic Self-Assembly of Silver Nanoclusters into Lamellar Frameworks with Tailored Luminescence. Chemistry of Materials 2022 34 (17), 8013-8021.
6. Jinglin Shen, Yue Bi, Hao Zhang, Liandi Xu, Jin Feng,* Wei Qi,* A sensitive chemosensor for nitro-containing compounds based on Au nanoclusters/Ba2+ co-assembly system: The crucial role of ligands to metal charge transfer. Colloids Surf., A, 2021, 627, 127160.
5. Junxiao Liu, Yu You, Wang Chen, Jinglin Shen,* Jin Feng,* Wei Qi* Fabrication of a chiral luminescent hydrogel from gold nanoclusters via molecular recognition. Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 10202.
4. Jinglin Shen, Qianwen Xiao, Panpan Sun, Jin Feng, You Yu, Xia Xin,* Wei Qi,* Self-Assembled Chiral Phosphorescent Microflowers from Au Nanoclusters with Dual-Mode pH Sensing and Information Encryption. ACS Nano 2021, 15, 3, 4947-4955. (IF: 15.88, 自然指数期刊)
3. Junxiao Liu, Jin Feng, You Yu, Liandi Xu, Qi Liu, Zhang Hao, Jinglin Shen,* Wei Qi,* Fabrication of a Luminescent Supramolecular Hydrogel Based on the AIE Strategy of Gold Nanoclusters and their Application as a Luminescence Switch. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2020, 124, 23844-23851.
2. Jinglin Shen, Yue Bi, Baohua Liu, Qianwen Xiao, You Yu, Wei Qi, * Co-assembly of gold nanocluster with imidazolium surfactant into ordered luminescent fibers based on aggregation induced emission strategy. J. Mol. Liq. 2019, 291, 111275.
1. Jinglin Shen, Zhi Wang, Congxin Xia, Di Sun,* Shiling Yuan,* Xia Xin,* Amphiphilicity Regulation of AgI Nanoclusters: Self-Assembly and Its Application as a Luminescent Probe. Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 4713-4721.