胡蕾,女,曲阜师范大学 正高级实验师(兼职教务员),杏坛学者,硕士研究生导师(分析化学方向),毕业于安徽大学高分子化学与物理专业,研究方向为环境污染物的分析监测。主持国家自然科学青年基金1项,省自然科学基金3项和省高校优秀青年人才基金项目1项;指导学生获得“大学生挑战杯科技创新竞赛”省级一等奖2次、国家三等奖1次,“山东省大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛”二等奖1次,以及“曲阜师范大学优秀本科毕业论文”2人次;以第一作者或通讯作者在Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Journal, Food Chemistry, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, Environmental Research, Analytica Chimica Acta, Applied Surface Science, Chemical Engineering Science, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, ACS Applied Nano Materials, Microchimica Acta等国内外知名期刊发表SCI论文36篇(其中SCI二区及以上26篇),申请国家发明专利6项(已授权5项,转化2项)。
Ø 主持省级以上自然科学基金
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目(No: 21806089),三维石墨烯基光电多元化重金属富集传感器的构建及应用研究,2019.01-2021.12
[2] 山东省自然科学基金面上项目(No: ZR2023MB056),功能化贵金属量子点及仿酶催化双模式监测食品污染的研究,2024.01-2026.12
[3] 山东省自然科学基金青年项目(No: ZR2016BQ13),环糊精-方酸菁-冠醚三元近红外吸收传感材料及其对铅镉汞污染的比色响应研究,2016.07-2019.06
[4] 安徽省自然科学基金青年项目(No: 1508085QB35),三维石墨烯多孔复合材料及其富集检测与分离水污染物的应用研究,2015.7-2017.6
[5] 安徽省高校优秀青年人才基金项目 (No: 2011SQRL148),近红外吸收光电高分子材料及薄膜器件的制备与性能,2011.01-2012.12
Ø 教学成果(指导学生获奖)
[1] 2023年6月,指导苟文馨同学的“硫化银功能化氧化石墨烯复合材料的制备及电化学识别重金属汞的应用” 荣获2023届“曲阜师范大学优秀本科毕业论文设计”
[2] 2023年5月, 指导学生(唐玉莲、苟文馨、吕雪、郝俊凯、冯静、孙硕等同学)获得“第一届山东省大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛”二等奖
[3] 2020年12月~2022年6月,指导国家级大学生创新课题1项:“壳聚糖基稳定功能化纳米模拟酶的制备及应用研究”(主持人:祁玉基)
[4] 2019年6月,指导张学忠同学毕业论文设计荣获“曲阜师范大学2019届优秀本科毕业论文”
[5] 2019年5月,指导大学生参加第十六届‘挑战杯’鲁南制药 山东省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛荣获“山东省一等奖”
[6] 获得安徽省教学成果一等奖1次:开放式公共基础实验教学管理平台构建与实践(证书号:2012cgj226-6)
[7] 获得山东省教学成果二等奖1次,即: “社会需要视域下化工资优人才培养的实践教学改革与创新” 获得山东省教育厅“教学成果二等奖”
[8] 2017~2018年,主持年校级实验技术研究项目1项(即:慕课背景下“翻转课堂”实验教学中应用的探索)
[9] 2018年6月~2020年6月,指导曲阜师范大学大学生创新课题1项:一种近红外生色团功能化石墨烯协同富集传感铁的光电材料构筑及应用研究(主持人:朱妍婕)
Ø 以第一作者或通讯作者发表的SCI论文
[1] Zhengquan Yan*, Yulian Tang, Zhaoran Zhang, Jing Feng, Jukai Hao, Shuo Sun, Meng Li, Yuguang Song*, Wei Dong*, Lei Hu*, Biocompatible folic acid-strengthened Ag-Ir quantum dot nanozyme for cell and plant root imaging of cysteine/stress and multi-channel monitoring of Hg2+ and dopamine, Analytical Chemistry, 2024, 96: 4299-4307 (中科院SCI一区, 自然指数期刊)
[2] Junkai Hao, Hanning Song, Shuo Sun, Jing Feng, Hongben Zhang, Xuewan Zhang, Xuejiao Ren, Zhengquan Yan*, Lei Hu*, Ultra-small nano CeO2/CuO doped carboxylated chitosan fibers for high-performance oxidase-mimic visual monitoring of S2− and Fe2+ in agricultural products, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 489: 151432 (中科院SCI一区)
[3] Yulian Tang, Wenxin Gou, Xue Lv, Xuemei Zhou, Junkai Hao, Chengjie Sun, Tao Sun, Lei Hu*, Zhengquan Yan*, Convenient colorimetric-fluorescent dual-mode recognition of I− in agricultural products and visual determination of Hg2+ in drinking beverages using Ag-Pt bimetal quantum dot nanozyme, Food Chemistry, 2023, 408: 135259 (中科院SCI一区)
[4] Xiaoyu Zheng,# Lin Xing,# Xuemei Zhou, Yulian Tang, Zhen Liu, Xueting Zhang, Lei Hu*, Zhengquan Yan*, A high-performance visual minotoring of trace toxic NO2− and S2− in 100% aqueous based on the superior oxidase-mimic activity of nano CeO2 strengthened by 2D Co3O4 substrate, Sensors and Actuators B, Chemical, 2022, 351: 130887 (中科院SCI一区)
[5] Zhengquan Yan*, Xuezhong Zhang, Chen Bao, Hui Tang, Qi Zhao, Lei Hu*, Jinmao You, A novel luminol derivative and its functionalized filter-paper for reversible double-wavelength colorimetric pH detection in fruit juice, Sensors and Actuators B, Chemical, 2018, 262: 869–875 (中科院SCI一区)
[6] Qi Zhao, Gou Wenxin, Zhang Xueting, Mengyuan Zhang, Yanru Bo, Lijun Wang, Lei Hu*, Wenli Yao, Zhengquan Yan*, Hg2+-activated oxidase-like activity of Ag2S@graphene oxide nanozyme and its naked-eye monitoring Hg2+ application with obvious hyperchromic effect, Applied Surface Science, 2021, 545: 148973 (中科院SCI一区)
[7] Qi Zhao,# Xinming Xu,# Yunling Xu, Kangwei Gongsun, Lei Hu*, Shina Yan, Wenli Yao, Zhengquan Yan*, Synergistically improved electrochemical performance and its practical application of graphene oxide stabilized nano Ag2S by one-pot homogeneous precipitation, Applied Surface Science, 2020, 501: 144208 (中科院SCI一区)
[8] Zhengquan Yan*, Xuemei Zhou, Lingmin Kong, Wenjing Xu, Junkai Hao, Shuo Sun, Jing Feng, Huitian Zhi, Xiao Zhu, Lei Hu*, Spindle-shaped Cu-Ru mesoporous nanospheres with enhanced enzyme-like activity for visual differentiation of toxic o-/m-aminophenol and action mechanisms, Environmental Research, 2023, 239: 117407 (中科院SCI二区, TOP期刊)
[9] Jing Feng#, Lei Feng#, Shuo Sun, Xujie Wang, Huitian Zhi, Ruhui Shang, Yingchao Yang, Luyao Wang, Zhengquan Yan*, Lei Hu*, Folic acid capping Bi3+-doped Ag quantum dots for enzyme-like dual-mode recognition of toxic S2− and visual sensing of NO2−, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2024, Revised (中科院SCI二区, TOP期刊)
[10] Junkai Hao, Jing Feng, Shuo Sun, Zhongxiang Cao, Wenjing Xu, Lei Hu*, Wenli Yao, Zhengquan Yan*, Reliable ratiometric colorimetric monitoring of dopamine in practice based on the catalytic signal amplification of nano CeO2/CuO modified carboxylated chitosan, Chemical Engineering Science, 2024, 295: 120193 (中科院SCI 二区, TOP期刊)
[11] Lei Hu, Li Zhang, Yage Zhou, Guoqing Meng, Yang Yu, Wenli Yao*, Zhengquan Yan*, Chitosan-stabilized gold nano composite modified glassy carbon electrode for electrochemical sensing trace Hg2+ in practice, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2018, 165: B900–B905 (中科院SCI二区, TOP期刊)
[12] Xuemei Zhou#, Lingmin Kong#, Junkai Hao, Jing Feng, Shuo Sun, Chuanzhen Zhou, Yanmin Liu, Zhengquan Yan*, Xiao Zhu, Lei Hu*, Peroxidase-like bimetal Cu-Fe oxide mesoporous nano-spheres for visual recognition of toxic o-aminophenol and bioactive glutathione, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2023, 11: 13047–13055 (中科院SCI二区)
[13] Zhengquan Yan*, Lin Xing, Lin Zhao, Xinyi Zhang, Yingfan Zhang, Yulian Tang, Xuemei Zhou, Lei Hu*, Nianlei Zhu, β-Cyclodextrin and graphene oxide co-strengthened AgRu bimetal mesoporous nanozyme: An efficient strategy for visual determination and removal of toxic Hg2+ and Cl−, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10: 108242 (中科院SCI二区)
[14] Zhengquan Yan*, Xiaoyu Zheng, Guoqing Meng, Yulian Tang, Xuemei Zhou, Junkai Hao, Jing Feng, Naibo Lin*, Lei Hu*, 2D Co3O4 modified by IrO2 nanozyme for convenient detection of aqueous Fe2+ and intercellular H2O2, Microchimica Acta, 2023, 190: 1 (中科院SCI二区)
[15] Xuemei Zhou,# Yuji Qi,# Yulian Tang, Hui Gao, Li Lv, Xingyu Lei, Lei Hu*, Zhengquan Yan*, Peroxidase-like activity of bimetal Cu-Zn oxide mesoporous nanospheres for the determination of o-aminophenol, Microchimica Acta, 2022, 189: 314 (中科院SCI二区)
[16] Lin Xing,# Qi Zhao,# Xiaoyu Zheng, Mingwei Hui, Yalin Peng, Xiao Zhu*, Lei Hu*, Wenli Yao, Zhengquan Yan*, Porous Ag-Chitosan Nanospheres Bridged by Cysteine Residues for Colorimetric Sensing of Trace Hg2+, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2021, 4: 3639–3646(中科院SCI二区)
[17] Lin Xing,# Xiaoyu Zheng,# Yulian Tang, Xuemei Zhou, Junkai Hao, Lei Hu*, Jinglin Shen, Zhengquan Yan*, Environment-friendly Ag@β-cyclodextrin@graphene oxide ternary nanocomposite: Superior peroxidase-mimic activity and its application in visual detection of toxic Hg2+, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2021, 4: 13807–13817 (中科院SCI二区)
[18] Zhengquan Yan*, Hua Yuan, Qi Zhao, Lin Xing, Xiaoyu Zheng, Weiguo Wang, Yulei Zhao, Yang Yu, Lei Hu*, Wenli Yao, Recent development of nanoenzyme-based colorimetric sensors for heavy metal detection and the interaction mechanism, Analyst, 2020, 145: 3173–3187 (中科院SCI二区)
[19] Lei Hu, Baohui Zhu, Li Zhang, Hua Yuan, Qi Zhao, Zhengquan Yan*, Chitosan-gold nanocomposite and its functionalized paper strips for reversible visual sensing and removal of trace Hg2+ in practice, Analyst, 2019, 144: 474–480 (中科院SCI二区)
[20] Zhengquan Yan*, Cong Wang, Yulian Tang, Yanjie Zhu, Qianyin Cao, Tianran Yang, Lei Hu*, π-Conjugated molecules identified for reversible and visual detection of F− in aqueous: Effect of heterocycle unit on sensing performance, Spectrochimica Acta A, 2020, 224: 117451 (中科院SCI二区)
[21] Lei Hu, Liwen Yin, Fang Wang, Dehua Yu, Chenshu Wang, Mingwei Hui, Luyao Chu, Xiao Zhu,* Zhengquan Yan*, Molecular spectra of a D-π-A typed polydentate ligand chromophore and its simultaneous response to trace Cu2+ and Co2+, Spectrochimica Acta A, 2019, 220: 117130 (中科院SCI二区)
[22] Lin Xing,# Xiaoyu Zheng,# Wenyu Sun, Hua Yuan, Lei Hu*, Zhengquan Yan*, UV–vis spectral property of a multi-hydroxyl Schiff-base derivative and its colorimetric response to some special metal ions, Spectrochimica Acta A, 2018, 203: 455–460 (中科院SCI二区)
[23] Zhengquan Yan*, Qi Zhao, Meijun Wen, Lei Hu*, Xuezhong Zhang, Jinmao You*, A novel polydentate ligand chromophore for simultaneously colorimetric detection of trace Ag+ and Fe3+, Spectrochimica Acta A, 2017, 186: 17–22 (中科院SCI二区)
[24] Lei Hu, Yafei Zhang, Li Nie, Chenggen Xie, Zhengquan Yan*, Colorimetric detection of trace Hg2+ with near-infrared absorbing squaraine functionalized by dibenzo-18-crown-6 and its mechanism, Spectrochimica Acta A, 2013, 104: 87–91 (中科院SCI二区)
[25] Yulian Tang, Xue Lv, Wenxin Gou, Xuemei Zhou, Junkai Hao, Jing Feng, Yuji Qi, Lei Hu*, Zhengquan Yan*, Ag nanozyme strengthened by folic acid: Superior peroxidase-mimic activity and application on visual monitoring of dopamine, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2022, 414: 6611–6620 (中科院SCI二区)
[26] Lei Hu, Mengxin Zhang, Junwei Dong, Ran Dong, Caili Yu, Shijie Gong, Zhengquan Yan*, A neoteric dual-channel spectral sensor for wide-range pH detection based on variables in UV-vis peak and intensity, Analytical Methods, 2021, 13: 5224−5230 (中科院SCI二区)
[27] Lei Hu, Chengjie Sun, Renxiang Cheng, Xinhong Gao, Jiayi Zhou, Yi Wang, Ruping Jiang, Xiao Zhu, Peng Liu*, Zhengquan Yan*, A high-performance fluorescent and ratio-metric colorimetric detection of Cu2+ in practice, Analytical Methods, 2023, 15, 4656–4662 (IF 3.1, 中科院SCI三区)
[28] Lei Hu, Li Nie, Guangnian Xu, Han Shi, Xiaoqing Xu, Xiangzhong Zhang, Zhengquan Yan*, Spectral properties of 4-(4-hydroxy-1-naphthylazo)benzene sulfonic acid and its application for colorimetric determination of trace Fe3+, RSC Advances, 2014, 4: 19370–19374 (中科院SCI三区)
[29] Lei Hu, Zhengquan Yan*, Hongyao Xu*, Advances in synthesis and application of near-infrared absorbing squaraine dyes, RSC Advances, 2013, 3: 7667–7676 (中科院SCI三区)
[30] Zhengquan Yan*, Yuanzhen Li, Yuan Gao, Jiahui Wen, Lei Hu*, Jinmao You*, IIdentification of a rigid and planar D-π-A conjugated system for colorimetric Fe(II) determination and its action mechanism, Optical Materials, 2017, 73: 393–399 (中科院SCI三区)
[31] Zhengquan Yan*, Yanjie Zhu, Jie Xu, Chong Wang, Yuyu Zheng, Pengyue Li, Lei Hu*, Jinmao You*, A novel polydentate Schiff-base derivative developed for multi-wavelength colorimetric differentiation of trace Fe2+ from Fe3+, Analytical Methods, 2017, 9: 6240–6245 (中科院SCI三区)
[32] Xiaoyu Zheng, Kangwei Gongsun, Zhen Liu, Xueting Zhang, Jing Feng, Xiao Chen, Lei Hu*, Wenli Yao, Zhengquan Yan*, NiS Nanospheres Anchored onto a Graphene Oxide Substrate (NiS@GO) for Efficient Electrochemical Sensing of Trace Amounts of Silver Ions, ChemistrySelect, 2022, 7: e202104139 (中科院SCI四区)
[33] Lei Hu, Jie Xu, Cong Wang, Yanjie Zhu, Yulian Tang, Liwen Yin, Zhengquan Yan*, A π-conjugated Chromophore Dye and Its Functional Paper Strips for Visually On-Site Sensing F− and Its Reaction Mechanism, ChemistrySelect, 2019, 4: 4118–4124 (中科院SCI四区)
[34] Hua Yuan, Yixuan Li, Yanyan Zhang, Shuo Liu, Junkai Hao, Lei Hu*, Wenli Yao, Zhengquan Yan*, UV-vis spectral property of water-soluble 3,5-bis-(2,4,6-tri-hydroxy phenylazo) benzoic acid and their application for pH detection, Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 2020, 87 (5): 925–929 (中科院SCI四区)
[35] Lei Hu, Hua Yuan, Qinqin Li, Juncheng Jin, Wengui Chang, Zhengquan Yan*, Spectral properties of a water-soluble squaraine dye and its application in cell fluorescent imaging, Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 2015, 82: 665–668 (中科院SCI四区)
[36] Lei Hu, Hong Lv, Chenggen Xie, Wengui Chang, Zhengquan Yan*, Preparation and absorption spectral property of a multifunctional water-soluble azo compound with D-π-A structure, 4-(4-hydroxy-1-naphthylazo) benzoic acid, Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 2015, 82: 435–439 (中科院SCI四区)
Ø 已申请(授权)国家发明专利
[1] 胡蕾, 赵齐, 邢琳, 郑晓宇, 严正权, 一种Pd@NiCo2O4双功能纳米仿酶及其制备方法与应用, 专利授权号: ZL202110871003.2
[2] 胡蕾, 赵齐, 郑晓宇, 邢琳, 严正权, 汞促二维氧化石墨烯稳定Ag2S纳米模拟酶及其制备方法和应用, 专利申请号: 202011424095.1
[3] 胡蕾, 严正权, 祝宝慧, 张丽, 张洪苓, 郑晓宇, 一种快捷检测、富集与分离重金属汞离子比色试纸的制作及应用新技术, 专利授权号: ZL201710360660.4(已转化)
[4] 胡蕾, 严正权, 温美军, 赵齐, 张学忠, 一种含偶氮生色团多齿配体的合成及其比色法同时检测痕量Ag+和Fe3+的方法, 专利授权号: ZL201710216806.8(已转化)
[5] 胡蕾, 严正权, 高源, 李元臻, 文佳慧, 一种长波长吸收比色法检测水环境中痕量Fe2+的方法, 专利授权号: ZL201710141155.0
[6] 胡蕾, 严正权, 聂丽, 徐光年, 孙鹏, 一种比色法检测、富集与分离水环境重金属Hg2+ 的方法, 专利授权号: ZL201310752506.3