博士, 教授, 硕士导师
招生专业: 物理化学; 研究领域: 纳米多孔催化材料
Email:mingboyue@126.com, QQ: 805137574
岳明波,男,1977.12,博士,教授,硕士生导师。2007年6月毕业于南京大学化学化工学院,获得物理化学专业博士学位。2009-2011年在华东师范大学东大学绿色化学与化工过程绿色化重点实验室从事博士后研究;2018-2019年在新加坡南洋理工大学进行访学研究。现主要从事功能化纳米多孔催化材料的研究,开发低温固相绿色合成方法,限域空间构筑超稳定金属修饰多孔材料,制备再生能源吸附催化材料。主要包括金属杂化微孔分子筛的合成,多孔金属氧化物、纳米金属修饰多孔碳等材料。近年来,在Fuel, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Inorganic Chemistry等学术刊物上参与发表学术论文50余篇,授权发明专利3项,主持参与完成国家与省级自然科学基金8项。获得多项荣誉称号,师德先进个人(2017), 校级优秀教师(2017), 校级优秀共产党员(2016)。
国家级大学生创业训练计划两项:鲁南分子筛责任有限公司(201310446013), 刘志;多孔氧化硅药物辅料的研发及创业计划(201510446058), 郇义红。
校级本科生科研训练计划项目三项:磷酸铁锂碳复合材料的制备(2012B023), 冯凯;气固相催化乙醇制备正丁醇的研究(2014B007), 王晓宁;模板牺牲法构建氧化亚铜介孔复合材料及燃油吸附脱硫研究(2018A053), 许文莉。
校级本科生优秀论文三篇:酸性溶液中一步完成NaY脱铝补硅和氢质子交换, 2012,苏国华;P123和PU泡沫双模板剂干凝胶法合成多级孔钛硅分子筛, 2013,张浩;固相转化法合成钛硅分子筛, 2016,王晓宁。
[1] 干凝胶法纳米沸石制备及原位组装21003083,国家自然科学青年基金,2011.01-2013.12
[2] 乙醇缩合制备丁醇的新型催化剂及调控机制ZR2014BM012,省自然科学基金面上项目,2014.12-2017.12。
[3] 原位晶化法研制多级孔分子筛BS2009CL031,省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金, 2009.01-2012.12。
[4] 固相晶化法纳米沸石的制备及原位组装201004700766,中国博士后科学基金第四十七批面上资助,2010.06-2011.05。
[5] 羟基羧酸辅助快速合成介孔氧化铝的研究10R21412500,上海市博士后资助计划面上项目, 2010.4-2011.05。
[1] Yue, Ming Bo*; Jiang, X.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, S.; Xue, T.; Li, Y., Quasi-solid-phase synthesis of Fe-MFI zeolites by using Fe-containing zeolite seed sol for hydroxylation of benzene with H2O2. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2020, 294.(二区,4.182)
[2] Yue, Ming Bo*; Jiang, X.; Zhang, S.; Li, Y.; Xu, W., N-doped carbons accelerate the reducing decomposition of copper nitrate and construct bifunctional adsorbents for adsorption desulfurization. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2019, 282, 100-108. (二区,4.182)
[3] Wang, N.; Wen, Q.; Liu, L.; Xu, J.; Zheng, J.; Yue, Ming Bo; Asiri, A. M.; Marwani, H. M.; Zhang, M., One dimensional hierarchical nanoflakes with nickel-immobilization for high performance catalysis and histidine-rich protein adsorption. Dalton Transactions 2019, 48 (30), 11308-11316. (二区,4.052)
[4] Jiang, X.; Zhang, H.; Yue, Ming Bo*; Zhang, S.; Li, Y.; Xu, W., Synthesis of organic hybrid super-microporous silicas as an adsorbent for dyes removal from water. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2019, 288 (二区,4.182)
[5] Jiang, X.; Xu, W.; Liu, W.; Y Yue, Ming Bo*; Zhu, Y.; Yang, M., Facile preparation of cuprous oxide decorated mesoporous carbon by one-step reductive decomposition for deep desulfurization. Fuel 2019, 241, 777-785. (二区top,5.128)
[6] Gu, M. X.; Kou, Y.; Qi, S. C.; Shao, M. Q.; Yue, Ming Bo; Liu, X. Q.; Sun, L. B., Highly Dispersive Cobalt Oxide Constructed in Confined Space for Oxygen Evolution Reaction. Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2019, 7 (2), 2837-2843. (一区,6.970)
[7] Zhang, S.; Lu, F.; Ma, X.; Yue, Ming Bo*; Li, Y.; Liu, J.; You, J., Quaternary ammonium-functionalized MCM-48 mesoporous silica as a sorbent for the dispersive solid-phase extraction of endocrine disrupting compounds in water. Journal of Chromatography A 2018, 1557, 1-8. (二区,3.858)
[8] Sha, J. Q.; Li, X.; Li, J. S.; Yang, X. Y.; Zhang, H. F.; Yue, Ming Bo*; Zhou, K. F., Acidity Considerations in the Self-Assembly of POM/Ag/trz-Based Compounds with Efficient Electrochemical Activities in LIBs. Crystal Growth & Design 2018, 18 (4), 2289-2296. (二区,4.153)
[9] Li, Y. X.; Ji, Y. N.; Jin, M. M.; Qi, S. C.; Li, S. S.; Xue, D. M.; Yue, Ming Bo; Liu, X. Q.; Sun, L. B., Controlled Construction of Cu(I) Sites within Confined Spaces via Host-Guest Redox: Highly Efficient Adsorbents for Selective CO Adsorption. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10 (46), 40044-40053. (一区,8.456)
[10] Li, X. N.; Peng, S. S.; Feng, L. N.; Lu, S. Q.; Ma, L. J.; Yue, Ming Bo*; One-pot synthesis of acidic and basic bifunctional catalysts to promote the conversion of ethanol to 1-butanol. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2018, 261, 44-50. (二区,4.182)
[11] Mane, S.; Li, Y. X.; Liu, X. Q.; Yue, Ming Bo; Sun, L. B., Development of Adsorbents for Selective Carbon Capture: Role of Homo- and Cross-Coupling in Conjugated Microporous Polymers and Their Carbonized Derivatives. Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2018, 6 (12), 17419-17426. (一区,6.970)
[12] Sha, J. Q.; Zhu, P. P.; Yang, X. Y.; Li, X. N.; Li, X.; Yue, Ming Bo*; Zhou, K. F., Polyoxometalates Templated Metal Ag-Carbene Frameworks Anodic Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Inorganic Chemistry 2017, 56 (19), 11998-12002. (一区,4.850)
[13] Peng, S. S.; Yang, M. H.; Zhang, W. K.; Li, X. N.; Wang, C.; Yue, Ming Bo*; Fabrication of ordered mesoporous solid super base with high thermal stability from mesoporous carbons. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2017, 242, 18-24. (二区,4.182)
[14] Zhang, H.; Fan, Y. F.; Huan, Y. H.; Yue, Ming Bo*; Dry-gel synthesis of shaped transition-metal-doped M-MFI (M = Ti, Fe, Cr, Ni) zeolites by using metal-occluded zeolite seed sol as a directing agent. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2016, 231, 178-185. (二区,4.182)