(1) 新型离子液体的设计及构效关系
(2) 含离子液体溶液的微观结构及性质
(3) 离子液体捕集酸性气体
(4) 生物质转化利用
2018.6-2018.12 美国田纳西大学化学系,访问学者(合作导师:戴胜教授)
2009.7至今 曲阜师范大学化学与化工学院任教
2009.6-2009.7 入选参加第59届林岛诺贝尔奖获得者大会(德国)
2004.9-2009.6 浙江大学化学系,理学博士
2000.9-2004.6 曲阜师范大学化学与化工学院,理学学士
(1) 2013年荣获学校微课比赛优秀奖
(2) 2015年荣获山东省第二届本科院校微课教学比赛三等奖
(3) 2017年在山东省教育技术与装备协会征文活动中获优秀论文二等奖
(4) 2017年荣获曲阜师范大学教学成果奖二等奖
(5) 2017年曲阜师范大学第八届青年教师教学比赛一等奖
(6) 2018年山东省第五届“超星杯”高校青年教师教学比赛二等奖
(7) 2019年山东省第六届“超星杯”高校青年教师教学比赛一等奖
1. 近五年来承担的研究课题
课题名称 |
来源 |
编号 |
本人位次 |
完成情况 |
DBU型离子液体-MOF多孔液体的构建及其应用于碳捕集的构效关系研究和性能调控策略 |
山东省自然科学基金面上项目 |
ZR2020MB112 |
主持 |
在研 |
溶剂对胺型离子液体结构及性能的影响 |
山东省博士基金 |
BS2011CL023 |
主持 |
结题 |
局部组成模型结合谱学性质研究胺型离子液体与溶剂的相互作用 |
国家自然科学基金青年基金 |
21206085 |
主持 |
结题 |
2. 近年来公开发表的SCI学术论文
(1) Zhu Xiao, Shi Yunlan, Zhang Xiaolin, Yuan Lei, Wang Sihan, Zeng Shaojuan, Yu You*. Efficient absorption of ammonia with dialkylphosphate-based ionic liquids. New Journal of Chemistry. 2021, 45 (43): 20432-20440. (SCI 三区)
(2) Zhu Xiao, Song Mengling, Ling Baoping, Wang Sihan, Luo Xiaoyan. The Highly efficient absorption of CO2 by a novel DBU based ionic liquid. Journal of Solution Chemistry. 2020, 49: 251-271.
(3) Song Mengling, Zhu Xiao*, Xu Yingjie. Electric conductivity of binary solutions of DBU lactic acid ionic liquid. Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 2020, 58 (1): 1-7.
(4) Zhu Xiao, Song Mengling, Wang Sihan, Dai Sheng*. Understanding the effect of molecular solvents on the microscopic network of DBU imidazole ionic liquid. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2019, 276: 325-333. (SCI 二区).
(5) Zhu Jiahong, Xu Yingjie*, Feng Xiao, Zhu Xiao. A detailed study of physicochemical properties and microstructure of EmimCl-EG deep eutectic solvents: Their influence on SO2 absorption behavior. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 2018, 67: 148-155.
(6) Zhu Xiao, Song Mengling, Xu Yingjie. DBU-based protic ionic liquids for CO2 Capture. ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering. 2017, 5(9): 8192-8198. (SCI一区,IF=6.97)
(7) Zhu Xiao, Zhang Huan, Xu Yingjie. The local composition behavior in binary solutions of diethylamine acetate ionic liquid. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2016, 213: 139-144.
(8) Zhu Xiao, Zhang Huan, Xu Yingjie. Structural heterogeneities in solutions of triethylamine nitrate ionic liquid: 1H NMR and LC model study. Journal of Solution Chemistry. 2016, 45(3): 359-370.
(9) Zhu Xiao, Zhang Huan, Xu Yingjie. Does the ethanolammonium acetate ionic liquid mix homogeneously with molecular solvents. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 2016, 54(3): 205-212.
(10) Cao Bobo, Du Jiuyao, Liu Shuangyue, Zhu Xiao, Sun Xuejun, Sun Haitao, Fu Hui. Carbon dioxide capture by amino-functionalized ionic liquids: DFT based the oretical analysis substantiated by FT-IR investigation. RSC Advances. 6 (2016): 10462-10470.
(11) Xu Yingjie*, Tang Xiaochen, Li Jianhua, Zhu Xiao. Viscosity estimation of ternary mixtures containing ionic liquid from their binary subsystems: A comparison of three viscosity equations. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2016, 427: 166-174.
(12) Sun Xuejun, Cao Bobo, Zhou Xinming, Liu Shuangyue, Zhu Xiao*, Fu Hui*. Theoretical and experimental studies on proton transfer in acetate-based protic ionic liquids. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2016, 221: 254-261.
(13) Zhou Xinming, Cao Bobo, Liu Shuangyue, Sun Xuejun*, Zhu Xiao*, Fu Hui*. Theoretical and experimental investigation on the capture of H2S in a series of ionic liquids. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. 2016, 68: 87-94.
(14) Deng Dongshun*, Han Guoqiang, Zhu Xiao, Xu Xuan, Gong Yutong, Wang Yong. Selective hydrogenation of unprotected indole to indoline over N-doped carbon supported palladium catalyst. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2015, 26 (3): 277-281.
(15) Du Dongmei, Fu Aiping*, Qin Mei, Zhou Zhengyu, Zhu Xiao. π-Hole interaction: a theoretical insight into the mechanism of SO2 captured by [Et2NEMim][Tetz] ionic liquids. Journal of Molecular Modeling. 2015, 21 (8): 210.
(16) Zhu Xiao, Gao Yan, Zhang Liqun, Li Haoran. Prediction among spectra data of 1H NMR, Raman and IR in aqueous solutions of ionic liquid. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2014, 190: 174-177.
(17) Zhu Xiao, Zhang Huan, Li Haoran. The structure of water in dilute aqueous solutions of ionic liquids: IR and NMR study. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2014, 197: 48-51.
(18) Feng Yuanyuan*, Yin Qianying, Lu Guoping, Yang Haifang, Zhu Xiao, Kong Desheng, You Jinmao*. Enhanced catalytic performance of Pd catalyst for formic acid electrooxidation in ionic liquid aqueous solution. Journal of Power Sources. 2014, 272: 606-613.
(19) Zhu Xiao, Wang Yong, Li Haoran. Do all the protic ionic liquids exist as molecular aggregates in the gas phase? Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2011, 13: 17445-17448.
(20) Zhu Xiao, Wang Yong, Li Haoran. The structural organization in aqueous solutions of ionic liquids. AIChE Journal. 2009, 55: 198-205.