朱静,山东临清人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。主要研究方向为DNA纳米组装探针在生物传感分析中的应用。目前主持并完成一项国家自然科学青年基金,主持山东省自然科学面上基金一项。以第一作者在在分析化学期刊Analytical Chemistry,Chemical Communications,Biosensors and Bioelectronics等发表SCI论文7篇。
2012.09-2015.12 山东大学 分析化学 博士研究生
2005.09-2008.06 湖南大学 分析化学 硕士研究生
2001.09-2005.06 曲阜师范大学 化学教育 学士
2023.01-至今 曲阜师范大学 副教授 硕士生导师
2018.11-2022.12 曲阜师范大学 讲师 硕士生导师
2016.03-2018.10 商丘师范学院 讲师
2008.07-2012.06 商丘师范学院 助理实验师
(2)山东省自然科学面上基金,基于 DNA 甲基化转移酶共价衍生 miRNAs 技术构建阿尔茨海默症循环miRNAs 的编码分析平台,ZR2021MB066,10万,主持;
(1) Jing Zhu*, Wenxing Xu, Ye Yang, Rongmei Kong, Junmei Wang, ssDNA‑C3N4 conjugates‑based nanozyme sensor array for discriminating mycotoxins. Microchimica Acta (2023) 190:6.
(2) Jing Zhu*, Liutao Chen, Highly ex icient incorporation of dATP in terminal transferase polymerization forming the ploy (A)(n)-DITO-1 fluorescent probe sensing terminal transferase and T4 polynucleotide kinase activity, Analytica Chimica Acta 1221 (2022) 340080.
(3) Jing Zhu*, Xia Liu, Jinxue Zheng, Dafeng Jiang,Tuning the conformation of G-quadruplexes by sodium and potassium ions: application to photometric and fluorometric determination of amyloid β(1-40), Microchimica Acta (2021) 188: 98.
(4) Jing Zhu, Qijie Hao, Yi Liu, Zhaohui Guo, Buayxigul Rustam, Wei Jiang*, Integrating DNA structure switch with branched hairpins for the detection of
uracil-DNA glycosylase activity and inhibitor screening, Talanta 179 (2018) 51-56.
(5) Jing Zhu, Lei Wang, Xiaowen Xu, Haiping Wei, and Wei Jiang*, Modular Nuclease-Responsive DNA Three-Way Junction-Based Dynamic Assembly of a DNA Device and Its Sensing Application, Anal. Chem. 2016, 88, 3817-3825.
(6) Jing Zhu, Lei Wang and Wei Jiang*, A binding-induced sutured toehold activation for controllable DNA strand displacement reactions, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 2903-2906.
(7) Jing Zhu, Yongshun Ding, Xingti Liu, Lei Wang, Wei Jiang*, Toehold-mediated strand displacement reaction triggered isothermal DNA amplification for highly sensitive and selective fluorescent detection of single-base mutation, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 59 (2014) 276-281.